School: General Information & Academic Administration

Demonstration School of Khon Kaen University (Mor Din Daeng)

Faculty of education in Khon Kaen University also provides management and advice for two demonstration schools which are based on a 12-year educational program of kindergarten, primary and secondary level of education. The demonstration Schools located on the campus of KKU are an instructional development base as well as a research and educational innovation program with the purpose of focusing on the development of academic knowledge and abilities while preparing students for future educational opportunities.


The Demonstration School of Khon Kaen University (Mor Din Daeng) is a school under the jurisdiction of higher education. In 1979 the professor Dr. Kawi and Suthabutra, the president of Khon Kaen University, began to have the concept of the walfare school. Then, in 1981 the University Welfare School was established. The school was primarily established for children of Khon Kaen University staff, it is open for the students from the kindergarten up to secondary level.
In 1975, khon kaen university has expanded various departments. Personnel who come to perform duties also increase according to the expansion of the department. The problem with personnel is the lack of education that the children of the demonstration school cannot meet. All of this needs to be done because of the need to maintain the same policy with location restrictions. For this reason, the idea of establishing a welfare school at Khon Kaen University took place.


Good behavior, good health, knowledge pursuing, exalted virtue.


Demonstration School of Khon Kaen University is a leading demonstration school in the ASEAN level. Focus on creating educational innovation and research, as well co-production of graduates with the faculty of education.


  1. Educational management to improve the quality of the students’ potential in academic, life skills and desirable characteristics.
  2. Jointly produce graduates, academic services, disseminate educational innovations and maintain arts and culture to be accepted at the level of International Standard.


In order to achieve the objectives as being an institution with quality in educational management, the school has a strategic goal that is consistent with the 6th strategy plan of the Faculty of Education Khon Kaen University is divided into 7 strategies as follows:
1. Infrastructure development
2. Resource management and development
3. Organization management
4. Financial and budget management
5. Academic research and academic services
6. Student development
7. Relationship management with external sector

Desirable Characteristics

In management including specified in the teaching plans and activities of the school for all students who graduate from the Demosntration School of Khon Kaen university there are 10 desirable charateristics as follow:
  1. Love the nation, the king and queen and government
  2. Honestly and Honesty
  3. Dicipline
  4. Pursuing learning
  5. Sufficient living
  6. Commitment to work
  7. Love being Thai
  8. Have an open mind
  9. Believe in yourself logically and courageously
  10. Love exercise and not involved with drugs

Academic Support System

This school has several facilities to support learning, such as:
  1. Classroom
  2. In the classroom, there are some learning support tools such as Projector, Screen, Computer, TV, and speaker. Each class has a box for the students cellphone, because they are not allowed to use a cellphone during the lessons.
  3. Laboratory for some subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, Art, and many more. My room was in the Math-lab. this math-lab also use for the math-teachers meeting every friday to do an evaluation. Students will come to do some activities in the math-lab like playing some games or reading a book.
  4. Library
  5. Canteen
  6. Field
  7. Meeting office
  8. Administration office
  9. Teachers office
  10. Restroom
  11. Science garden

Teaching System

  1. The Demonstration School of KKU (Mor Din Daeng) uses National Curriculum which is Basic Education Core Curriculum. The teachers uses Open Approach for learning method. Every students and teachers have to arrived at school before 08.00 am for attend the ceremony. The ceremony includes the flag ceremony, pray together and some announcement. The ceremony is held every morning, except on wednesday the ceremony will held in the classroom. Then, the class will start at 08.30 am and will end at 03.40 pm.
    Based on the schedule i got from my mentor, this school has 7 periods with the duration 50 minutes for each period. The students have 3 times for break, which are 10 minutes every 2 periods and 60 minutes break for lunch at 12.00-01.00 pm. This 10 minutes break is different from Indonesia, but i think this is good for students so they won't feel tired with the lessons because they have time for rest and refresh their mind. The school usually used an open approach method for learning.


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